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Essay/Term paper: Facts about china

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Political Science

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Facts About China

1.)21% of China's population live in urban areas and 79% live in rural areas.
2.)China's national anthem is the "The East is Red." 3.)The capital of China is
Beiming or else Peking. 4.)The name of the currency in China is Yuan. 5.)The
life expectancy in China for males is 65.5 and for females is 69.5. 6.)The
literacy rate in China is 80% 7.)The main religions in China are Atheistic,
Buddhism, and Daoism. 8.)In the 5fh century AD the Chinese had calculated the
value of pi more than 10 decimal places. 9.)Gunpowder first blew up iun
Alchemist's furnace around 800Ad and was quickly put to military use.
10.)China's official name is People's Replubic of China (PRC). 11.)China's total
population is more than 1,000,000,000 which makes up more than 1/5 of the
world's population. 12.)China cover's 3.7 million square miles. 13.)China's
three largest cities are Shanghai, Beijing, and Tianjin. They are not part of
any province. 14.)The Chinese language has more than 50,000 different words.
15.)The Chinese have problem's making typewriters. 16.)The Chinese read their
books from top to bottom, and from right to left. 17.)Pottery is one of China's
most famous kinds of arts. 18.)The Forbidden City is inside Imperial City.
Imperial City is inside the Inner City. The Inner City is inside Peking.
19.)China is the third largest country in area after Russia and Canada. 20.)In
1949 communists took power of China. 21.)Ther are 3400 off shore islands.
22.)The earlist recorded history of China is 3500 years ago. 23.)The great
paddlefish, giant panda, Chinese water deer and the salamander are in China, but
extinct elsewhere. 24.)It is estimated that there are more than 35 cities in
China with a population of more than one million. 25.)Mount Everest is 29,028
feet high and is the highest point on Earth. 26.)About 3/4 of all people are
farmers. 27.)China has the world's oldest civilization. 28.)The Chinese invented
gunpowder, paper, porcelain, and silk cloth. 29.)About 94% of China's population
belong to the Han nationality. 30.)China has the biggest army, but not the
strongest. 31.)The Great Wall of China was built to keep enemies out of China.
It is about 4,000 miles long. 32.)The Peking Man lived in China about 500,000
years ago. 33.)The Chinese people call their country Chung-kuo. 34.)Until
recently, China was cut off by either mountains, The Great Wall of China or else
water. 35.)In 1979 the US and China endded a 30 year break between the two
countries. 36.)Most people in China eat rice. 37.)Most people in China live
crowded in the eastern third of the country. 38.)The Communist Party are trying
to overcome poverty by the year 2000. 39.)China's flag was adopted in 1949.
40.)About 35 million people belong to the Communist Party.


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